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Introducing Mail Format for A New Employee

Introduced mail is a mail, that the mail is introducing own self to others employee or colleague to communicate any kind of information related with organization. Lots of information has an internet about introducing mail. The below format is also unique and latest format all over the organization.

Dear All,

Good day to you.

My name is Mr. X, and I’m sure you know, I’m the new (Post, Designation and Department) here (Company Name). I have heard and believe that you’re very happy with this company, so I knew I just had to introduce myself.

I’m really looking forward to getting up to speed in this position. I know I have some big shoes to fill! If you have any tips for success in this role, don’t hold back, please smile. If you need anything regarding (Department) issues, feel free to touch with me. My contact as below.

Thank & Regards,

Mr. X

Post, Designation,


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