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How to Caculate Import stage duty CD, RD, SD, VAT, AIT & ATV?

Import stage National Tariff 2018-2019

How to Caculate Import stage duty CD, RD, SD, VAT, AIT & ATV

How to calculate import stage duty is most important to any countries. when you import any product you may imposed import duty by the government. The duties are source of income of government.

AV=> Assessable Value.
CD=>Customs Duty.
RD=> Regularity Duty.
SD=> Supplementary Duty.
VAT=> Value Added Tax.
AIT=> Advance Income Tax.
ATV=> Advance Tread VAT.

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TypeTax baseRate %Amount
CD      1,239,945.4225%     309,986.36
RD      1,239,945.424%       49,597.82
SD      1,599,529.5945%     719,788.32
VAT      2,319,317.9115%     347,897.69
AIT      1,239,945.425%       61,997.27
ATV      2,937,879.994%     117,515.20
Total Declaration   1,606,782.65
Tk.Total Declaration 
AV      1,239,945.42
Add. CD @25%         309,986.36            309,986.36
Duty paid Value      1,549,931.78
Add. RD @4% on AV           49,597.82             49,597.82
AV, CD & RD Value      1,599,529.59
Add. SD @45% on AV, CD & RD Value =         719,788.32            719,788.32
Base value on VAT      2,319,317.91
VAT @15%         347,897.69            347,897.69
AIT @5% on AV           61,997.27           61,997.27
ATV @126.67% on Base  Value of muilply @4%         117,515.20            117,515.20
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