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Government has announced minimum wages of garments workers

Minimum Wage Govt. Announce

Minimum Wage Govt. Announce

Government has announced minimum wages of garment workers. This wage has been announced for the minimum of Tk. 8000 (Eight) thousand BDT. Labor and Employment Minister Mujibul Haque Chunnu announced the wage of the emergency press conference in the Ministry of Labor and Employment in the Secretariat on Thursday (September 13th-2018)

The government formed a wage board for garment workers on January 14 this year. With the permanent four members of the garment factory owners’ organization, BGMEA president and one representative of the workers, this wage board has set the wages considering overall consideration.
Earlier, on 7 November 2013, the Gazette was published by fixing the minimum wage of garments workers Tk 5,300. This wage is effective from December of that year.

Garments Year Wise wages Impact
Grade-1           13,000             1,100             3,400             8,500
Grade-2           10,900             1,100             2,800             7,000
Grade-3             6,805             1,100             1,630             4,075
Grade-4             6,420             1,100             1,520             3,800
Grade-5             6,042             1,100             1,412             3,530
Grade-6             5,678             1,100             1,308             3,270
Grade-7             5,300             1,100             1,200             3,000
Grade-1           17,510             1,850             5,220           10,440
Grade-2           14,630             1,850             4,260             8,520
Grade-3             9,590             1,850             2,580             5,160
Grade-4             9,245             1,850             2,465             4,930
Grade-5             8,855             1,850             2,335             4,670
Grade-6             8,405             1,850             2,185             4,370
Grade-7             8,000             1,850             2,050             4,100
2019 (13/01/2019)
Grade-1           18,257             1,850             5,469           10,938
Grade-2           15,416             1,850             4,522             9,044
Grade-3             9,845             1,850             2,665             5,330
Grade-4             9,347             1,850             2,499             4,998
Grade-5             8,875             1,850             2,342             4,683
Grade-6             8,420             1,850             2,190             4,380
Grade-7             8,000             1,850             2,050             4,100
Wages Impact-2013, 2018 & 2019

So, how to calculate  factory wages for recent announcement by the Government Labor and Employment Minister Mujibul Haque Chunnu. The below calculation are each authority from Worker Leaders, BGMEA and Government. Here the calculation are obtained by Grade % Variation, Existence and New Wages. 

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