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100% Export Garments Materials Import 100% Duty Waive

100% Export Garments Materials Import 100% Duty Waive by Bangladesh Government. All Bangladeshi garments owners are engage his 70% to 80% production Materials import or purchase from abroad. It’s very unique matter of garments industries, where we can say our whole Bangladesh export income as per BGME data it too much but 70% cost or materials purchase from abroad payment must be paid go to abroad. So, we can say the all export realization not our whole income due to 70 to 80% gone to abroad.



So, dear viewers 100% Export Garments Materials Import 100% Duty Free/Waive as per SRO by Government announcement. Here i am expressing a calculation where you can easily understand what i am saying. The below video learning and calculation are for you information. Please watch and subscribe for more information.



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